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aka Kody's Simple Swing
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Home Page

Valid Criticisms of Traditional Golf

Endorsements for Teaching Methods

Endorsements for Literary Works

New Fundamentals
Instruction Manual:


1. Very Crucial Necessary Concept (Must Order)

2. Merry-Go-Round Still Lives
plus Some Helpful Golf Sketches

3. Tips and Addendums (Must Order)

Important Principal (Available)

4. Swinging Your Arms (Must Order)

5. The Bod's the Clod (Must Order)

6. Putting (Must Order)

7. Chipping, Pitching, and Sand Play (Must Order)

8. Mental Game and Course Management (Must Order)

9. More Ways to Teach the Swing (Must Order)

Order Form

Message Board




All of you who are sympathetic to The Country Where Golf is King philosophy are urged to join. Right now, I can't offer any special privileges, only responsibilities. Your first responsibility is to write to the Secretary of the UN and urge them to accept THE COUNTRY WHERE GOLF IS KING as a member. After all we have been around for over 500 years and since golf is now an international game, with a great potential for helping us make this a peaceful world, it is only right that we should be recognized.

One of our duties is to make sure that emerging countries have enough golf courses to satisfy the needs of its population. After all, people golfing will not be rioting. Think of the possibilities that golf would offer for solving the problems of the middle east. Think of a world wide Olympic golf event every year, which would focus on the demonstration of skills and not necessarily on winning.

Your other duty is to dun Walt Disney with letters or e-mails urging him to make an animated cartoon based on The Country Where Golf is King. Many people have praised the book for its imagery, saying it would make a terrific animated cartoon. One reader wrote, "I kept getting pictures of the Princess Bride, as I read your book."

Since I am interested in getting my book made into a movie, animated or otherwise, anyone with a spare 35 to 40 million to invest would be welcome. Of course smaller investors would also be welcome.

By the way Sandy Lyle made the cut in the British Masters and completed the tournament. He didn't do that great, but after all he has only been using the Natural Golf method for only a year. This is great news for Single Axis folks. Jack Kuykendall has opened an Internet magazine devoted to using science to optimize your golf game. Check him out at Also check out and particularly Natural Golf Chat as they are revising their site.

You can also go to or visit single axis sites listed at the Single-Axis Golf Forum or visit the Natural Golfer's Support Forum. There is a lot of information on the net that is free and endorses and promotes Single Axis golf. Please sign in as an honorary member of TCWGIK. Leave your name and e-mail address.

For the complete "New Fundamentals Instruction Manual", including Chapters 1, 3-9 , please contact me by one of the following methods:

* E-mail:
* Phone: 919-957-9550
* Mail:   Ed Laskody

2610 Oleander Drive

Durham, NC 27703

Since I am interested in spreading my ideas now and not making a profit, I would be glad to send you a copy of The Country Where... and my instructional manual for as little as $25.90, including shipping and handling. Please see the order page for more information.

Ed Laskody, Author of and President of TCWGIK, at least until we can talk Arnold Palmer into being our UN Representative.

Don't forget to visit Jack Kuykendall's site There's plenty of free information, but a small membership fee is required for complete access to his site. By the way, if you do decide to join, please mention you heard about it here. Thanks, Ed.
spacer graphic bottomcurve graphic   Edward Laskody,