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aka Kody's Simple Swing
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Valid Criticisms of Traditional Golf

Endorsements for Teaching Methods

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New Fundamentals
Instruction Manual:


1. Very Crucial Necessary Concept (Must Order)

2. Merry-Go-Round Still Lives
plus Some Helpful Golf Sketches

3. Tips and Addendums (Must Order)

Important Principal (Available)

4. Swinging Your Arms (Must Order)

5. The Bod's the Clod (Must Order)

6. Putting (Must Order)

7. Chipping, Pitching, and Sand Play (Must Order)

8. Mental Game and Course Management (Must Order)

9. More Ways to Teach the Swing (Must Order)

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There is a need for someone to write a manual for people who do not have extraordinary athletic talent. Many intelligent folk are coming to the conclusion that the average person simply does not have the athletic ability to play the same way a Tour Pro does. In addition, this book was written for those who do not have or want to put in the time to learn to swing in the "traditional" way.

About 150 years ago, golfers played with wide stances and gripped their clubs like they would grip a softball bat. The Vardon "finger grip" is not "traditional" as golf has been around since before Columbus and old paintings and photographs show it was gripped in the palm of the hands. It seems they were right insofar as the "average Joe" is concerned. Let's leave the "traditional swing" to aspiring tour pros.

One of the complaints about lesson taking is that pros teachings often are conflicting and contradictory. There are three main theories, they are:

1) The arms swing and the body follows
2) The body leads and the arms follow
3) Some combination of 1 and 2

As you read this work, you will see that I favor theory one, but the sensations you experience in your body as you learn to swing correctly will give you an idea of how others can come to believe in the other theories.

This is not intended to be a great "golf theory" book; instead it attempts to be a practical guide for teaching the "average" person how to play. What we can never forget is that the average golfers handicap has not changed significantly in 100 years, in spite of improved equipment, balls, and a proliferation of golf "gurus".

If you are interested in getting my new instructional work, which I call learning the New Fundamentals, please write me. Learning the New Fundamentals should considerably shorten your time on the Merry Go Round.

Don't forget to visit Jack Kuykendall's site There's plenty of free information, but a small membership fee is required for complete access to his site. By the way, if you do decide to join, please mention you heard about it here. Thanks, Ed.
spacer graphic bottomcurve graphic   Edward Laskody,