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aka Kody's Simple Swing
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Home Page

Valid Criticisms of Traditional Golf

Endorsements for Teaching Methods

Endorsements for Literary Works

New Fundamentals
Instruction Manual:


1. Very Crucial Necessary Concept (Must Order)

2. Merry-Go-Round Still Lives
plus Some Helpful Golf Sketches

3. Tips and Addendums (Must Order)

Important Principal (Available)

4. Swinging Your Arms (Must Order)

5. The Bod's the Clod (Must Order)

6. Putting (Must Order)

7. Chipping, Pitching, and Sand Play (Must Order)

8. Mental Game and Course Management (Must Order)

9. More Ways to Teach the Swing (Must Order)

Order Form

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* The Country Where Golf is King is a series of entertaining scenarios played out with a range of oddball characters from life, movies and legend. The aim of each story is to make the task of bettering your game an easy one.

* The New Fundamentals is a practical guide for teaching the "average" person how to play golf.

* Priority mail normally takes about 2 to 3 days.

* Book rate normally takes about 4 to 5 days.

Description Quantity Price Each
The Country Where Golf is King and The New Fundamentals shipped priority mail $29.40
The Country Where Golf is King and The New Fundamentals shipped book rate $25.90
The Country Where Golf is King shipped priority mail $18.45
The Country Where Golf is King shipped book rate $15.45
The New Fundamentals shipped priority mail $16.45
The New Fundamentals shipped book rate $13.45


Once you have completed this form, please print this page for your records, then click the "Submit..." button below.


Clicking the "Submit..." button should automatically send me an email, with your order information. Once your check or money order has been received, your order will be acknowledged and promptly shipped. Please submit your payment, in the amount indicated on the order form, to the following address:
Ed Laskody
2610 Oleander Drive
Durham, NC 27703

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me, at the above address or by one of the following means:
Phone: 919-957-9550

Thank you,
Ed Laskody
spacer graphic bottomcurve graphic   Edward Laskody,