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The Golf swing is a baseball swing. Hogan thought so too.
    Jack Kuykendall, golf's leading scientific teacher

17 May 2004

Ed. Thanks for the single arm drill idea. I went out to the range four times in the last week. Each time I only took a 7 iron. I started the rear arm drill with short swings getting the ball out to between 30 and 50 yards. By the end of the third day I was able to [hit the ball] about 120 yards fairly straight with the trail arm. Possibly being forced to slow down with one arm and understand more about what I was doing was the key there. I could only do a small bucket though before my arm started to ache.

Any how on the fourth day I went with 2 arms and started with a slow swing getting the ball out to about 120-130 yards. I actually hit the pin twice on the practice green. The last 40 balls I attmpted to increase swing speed and started getting the ball out to about 150-155 carried. I ended up hitting the 160 yard paractice green pin on a bounce once too.

As I had realized before HSS is definetly (for myself anyway) far more accurate than a CG swing. I would be lucky to hit the practice green let alone the pin at 160 yards with my CG swing.


26 Apr 2002

G'day Ed, I don't know whether you remember me, but you sent me a copy of TCWGIK a little over a year ago. 'Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your work and it helped me to see golf from a different perspective. I am using (a variant form of) LPG in that, while I bend my left arm to get the hands as close as possible to the right shoulder at the top, I let my wrists cock ... no more, no less than it wants to.

The start of the downswing is same as LPG ... start the hands away from the right shoulder, in the opposite direction to the target, then down, then out to the ball. However, I don't try to roll my right forearm through impact. I use a punching action, similar to that used in martial arts, where you squat and brace whilst all the energy is focussed on the right hand punching at the target. Yes, I would discribe my swing as a focussed punch at the ball rather than a toss. I am finding that my swing is producing very consistent shots at the moment.

I don't get to practice much due to work (I am a resident doctor), so I am quite amazed at the consistency when I do play. I am planning to get a website started to show and explain my version of LPG and to illustrate my experiences. I would like to post a link to your website, if it's OK with you.

Long and straight,

20 Mar 2002


I am e-mailing you as I have been seeing your posts on 54 site. I hope you don't mind me mailing this to you as I did not want to post at that site. I do not want to get into the merry go round.

Anyway I went to JK's site and subscribed to his newsletter and the information he gave on LPG was very interesting to me as was the information I received from your site KSS. I had taken up Natural Golf and had succes but was looking for more distance and greater club head speed. I also had previous used a tape that was put out by Jimmy Ballard and he talk about throwing the club straight out during the down stroke so when I saw it on JK's newsletter and then on your site I was familar with it. In one day I had it down using yours and Jacks information. I started hitting my nine iron 140 yds where before I was only hitting it 125 yds. Of course I had to go to both of your sites to make sure I was getting it right. Anyway after that I saw your posts to others on your site offering tips per say on how to accomplish the power move. So I will tell you what helped me so that you may be able to help others preform the power move. JK and you may already know this but anyway here is what helped me.

I purcahsed the powerswing fan or swing speed fan as Jack showed on his site as an exercise program. When I received it I practice swinging it as Jack states in his Fan program. Immediately I was able to sit down and keep my head over my right knee. I was also able to start the club down and out and roll my forarms. I did this for two days then I went and hit balls. I can not belive how much this did for me. It is like it all came together instantly. My ball flight is straight, it is long for me. I use to drive two hundred and thrity yds now I am driving two hundred and sixty yds with less effort and more club head speed. I haven't measured it yet, but before, my driver club head speed was 87 now I know it has to be faster as I can see my ball going further and it feels faster. So I thought I would let you know. Oh yes I am 64 years old and have been playing for 40 years with the old CG way.

Thanks for your help
Bill Blair

7 Mar 2002

Dear Ed, I subscribe to Jack Kuykendall's online golf magazine. I have been practicing Jack's method for the last month and a half. I am 44 years old and have been playing golf for 10 years. I started out with the conventional method, switched to Natural Golf about 2 years ago. For the past year using NG method I shot in the low to mid 90's. I still wasn't satisfied with my game.

I surfed the web and found the Scigolf website. I mostly read the "Ask Scott" part of the site. I clicked on "The Professor" a few times and I thought his method of the bent lead arm was just a little too weird.

I found the Single-Axis Golf Forum on the Internet one day and I clicked on "That Other Method". There was a description of the LPG swing, a sort of "how to do it". I printed the page and read it and studied it. I went to the range and said to myself, "What the heck, give it a try." I've been hooked ever since.

I found the KSS website and started reading your tips and advice. The best thing I read, the thing which really helped me, was your description of the shoulder turn as a one piece takeaway. Before, I was letting my arms pull my shoulders around, I found that I was rushing to get back to the ball and a lot of times I never made the full shoulder turn. Consequently, I was very inconsistent.

After reading your article, I am consistently making the full shoulder turn and my ball striking has improved tremendously. It seems with the full turn it is easier to move the arms back and down for the start of the downstroke. Thank you for that wonderfull tip and keep up the good work.

I have to say one more thing - Jack Kuykendall and his method of golf is the best thing that ever happened in regards to my golf game.

Roger Przybylski

P.S. It takes a pole to hold up the American flag

8 Jan 2002

Ed: I've finished reading your 'New Fundamentals' Manual and have mailed my check for $28.50 - I assume the 'The Country Where Golf is King' novel will be forthcoming soon (I didn't receive it with the 'New Fundamentals'). Needless to say, I was very impressed. I thought it was interesting that Mike Hebron now has an open mind concerning single-axis golf. The last time I saw Mike (I was a student of his from 1989 through 1993) was at the Tommy Armour Coaching and Teaching Summit in my home town back in 1994. At the time, he and Scott Hazeldine were having quite a debate about it. I was a veteran "Merry-Go-Rounder" for many years - having taken lessons from the likes of Mike, Carl Lohren, and John Geertsen Jr. In 1994 I heard about Jack's "Little Yellow Book" and decided to send off for it (and the tape that went along with it). After having studied the game for over 25 years, I appreciated that Jack was a man who truly thinks "out of the box". His ideas made sense and seemed sound and uncomplicated. To make a very long story short, I have been using single axis in one form or another from 1994 on and have met and taken lessons from Jack, Scott Hazeldine, Tom Sanders, and Todd Graves. I have played to a single digit since then and have definitely enjoyed the game more than ever. Every once in a while someone asks about my technique and I try to spread the "word". You have given me more "ways" of communicating something that is elegantly simple and I thank you for it. I look forward to hearing from you and reading your wonderful insights in the near future.

Best Wishes,
John Mule' New Orleans, LA

21 Dec 2001

Greetings Mr. Ed, I just posted to your forum. I think that I will be sticking to LPG because I played good yesterday without any back pain. I would like to post the location of the forum on the SA forum but there would be one problem. The posting of trash just to get an argument started. Can you stop this from happening? The second thing is not a criticism but your web page would be much easier to read if the red were another color. Many people have trouble with red and black together. I would get two colors that have more contrast for easier reading.

Kindest Regards,

19 Dec 2001

I got on the merry go round as you so aptly put it.

Joe Amish

19 Dec 2001

Dear Ed, I stumbled across your website....I have come to realize I have been on the golf "merry go round" as you've stated. Been playing for 6 years

Herb Flours

18 Sep 2001

I received your instructional work yesterday and enjoyed it very much. The "bent elbow ok" was a revelation. I tried it in the dark last night, and it felt good with no apparent loss of power for much less turn (therefore, should be less back strain). I'll be out on the range later today. The payment went out yesterday.

Thanks again.
Steve Playton

15 Dec 2001

Ed, I have been in the process of learning or on the MERRY-GO-ROUND of NG for about 2 yrs. Would like very much to obtain your teaching materials--makes a lot of sense to me. Please contact me with details.

John Spain

p.s. I will visit Jack's site.

15 Dec 2001

Ed I shot another score in the sixties today. I shot 69 on the same course. Pretty good with a version of the Jack K Method. Just thought I would keep you posted.


14 Dec 2001're right on with the KSS swing. It's getting better and better with no strain on the body. Keep teaching.


Ed Laskody is the most dedicated, non-biased golf teacher ever, and the only one who hasn't officially declared himself in business

-Brian Jones

Single Axis golf is the tip of the iceberg, traditional golf is the Titanic. -Ed Laskody

It takes a lot of courage to try to change the world, but I think you have it. -R. Ballou, golfer

3 Dec 2001

You're right about the differences in the golf swing. However, there are some who will argue with a stop sign. Just for your information, I have adopted the BGG methodology and with a slight bent left arm experience a tremendous increase in clubhead velocity, with no increase in physical effort. Just goes to show that little things make a difference.

Frank B.

23 Nov 2001 (Excerpted from SA Golf Forum)

10 year hacker finally gets results

I've taken many lessons over the years.( the so-called merry-go-round) The result was always the same. Pathetic. So when I came across Jack K's web page I was leary at first, but the more I read the more sense it made. I hooked up with Ed L. (Kody super swing) here on Long Island, NY. I spent 2 1/2 hours with him last week. The results are nothing short of miraculous. For the first time ever I had a 240 yd drive with my 3 wood. The LPG method for me, was very easy to learn & duplicate. I would definitely recommend the LPG method to anyone that uses an arm swing now with poor results.


- - - - - - - - - -

Reply to preceding message:

25 Nov 2001 (Excerpted from SA Golf Forum)


Joel, I took a lesson with Ed as well. Feel free to drop him an email and ask him for some of my scores. He did a great job! The only thing I feel is that the swing he teaches is more of a bent arm NG swing. At least that is the way I view it. Ed's only problem is after a lesson or two your off the training merry go round and playing better golf!


7 Nov 2001 (Excerpted from SA Golf Forum)

Al, Check out Ed. He does a good job of teaching LPG. It took him all of about two hours of work to get me going. Using LPG I shot a 78 from the Blues this past week. Not bad considerering my low score of the year using CG was an 81. Even better, my 9 year old son watched as he gave me a lesson. He picked it up right away. From the Reds he is shooting 105's. His low score previous was a 120.


21 Mar 2001

Hi Ed, I am sending this personal e-mail rather than embarrass you on the forum to say thank you. I have persevered enough with the LPG swing to be able to play with it and the results on the two rounds played so far have been nothing short of amazing. Swinging with the device on or off really doesn't matter to me anymore and to be honest you have played a big part in that for me. Your advice has dramatically short-circuited the experience and in particular your "shoulder down" move instantly made it "all happen".

So again, a big "thank you" for giving me the support to keep at it for long enough to make it work. I'm not perfect by a long way, but the quality of connections is so crisp I just KNOW this is the right way for me. I can't believe the difference a month has made. If you ever get over to Ireland, let me know and I will treat you to one of our famous links courses. That would double the number of people playing with LPG in Ireland, but would be great fun.

Best Regards,

2 Apr 2001

Hi Ed. 'Was reading your post on swing thoughts and thought you might be interested in an expanded version of my most recent epiphany, which led me to write to you in the first place.

In response to the suggestion that maybe people were right in holding and hitting like in baseball, I went out, took my NG stance and grip, and then took my old, old softball setup with left arm bent, hands against right shoulder, etc., looked at the ball and told myself that it was a very slow, slowpitch and to hit it. Too my amazement, instead of immediatly swinging at the the ball, my body first turned farther back and my hips slid to the left, then my arms swung down and gave the ball a very satisfactory whack.

I repeated this several times, with several different clubs, and I can say that this was the first time I have ever gotten the satisfaction hitting a golf ball that I used to get at the batting cages. Also, I enjoy watching the ball, instead of coming down, just stay in the same spot and get smaller and smaller until it disappears.

Thanks again,

30 Mar 2001

Stumbled onto your lecture, while persuing my never ending search for info that will give me "the perfect swing'. I picked up about 20 yds on my nine iron, while at the same time hitting the ball a mile in the air. Now, I guess I will have to get stiffer shafts. Thanks a lot.

Oh, I also got rid of all my old swing thoughts and now use, "Hit ball, get money". (Before you send me a bill, you should know someone else has been using my computer.) Thanks for the help.

Jim Elliott

9 Mar 2001

In response to your message titled "Golf is so full of contradiction and paradox, so why not embrace the notion of"
At Bob E. has replied (with title "Impact bag versus driving range"):

I couldn't believe my eyes! Using a mirror and and an impact bag it worked just like you said it would.

28 Jan 2001

Hi Ed, Thanks for your e-mail on the swing. I find your advice very helpful. The e-mail was timely since the recent snow will not allow me to practice on the range. I will probably use a suggestion of looking at snow swing, swing divots for straightness that I found on the forum-- although I'll wait until the neighbors and my wife are gone so that they won't call the guys in the white suits.

I've noticed that my driver is giving me some trouble. Two months ago, I noticed that the shaft was bent near the hosel. I had the guy that built all my clubs use a stiffer flex like my irons. It seems that I should go back to the old shaft flex as the ball flight has been too low on most shots. On the otherhand, my shots with the wedges have been for the most part both high and straight! I hit a high ball anyway, but it seems that the LPG swing has the ball going a little higher and my distance is about the same. I can't wait for spring!

Please continue to send any pointers you'd like. I've been e-mailing Jack from time to time and I figure that between you, Jack, and some pointers on the forum I can get my handicap down to single digits in the next year or two. I left out the short game, but that is running a close second in my game plan. During the season, I get to the practice green once a week also. I've been using Scott's method and very rarely three-putt. I'm going to use JK's toss method to see if I can get more consistency with my pitches and chips. I'd better sign off for now. Again, it's always good to hear from you.


18 Feb 2001

Hi Ed, That is an excellent idea. I know Jack K. says to stop the cocking but I don't like gripping tighter. I think a tight grip hurts my release of the ball (I don't seem to be able to just tighten my left forearm). I think I will try this later.

My progress seems to be much better now. I can bascially hit the ball pretty much every time now with the LPG swing. I find that providing I focus on the transition phase, hitting is very very consistent. When I started at the beginning of the week, making contact was the major problem. The issue now is the ones that don't go straight. I have two main flaws that I can see happening:
First is that I don't go straight back and down. I seem to come "around and down". I think this is just left over from CG and I need to "train it out". The effect is that the club comes from outside to in and I pull (slice on longer clubs).
The second is that I "pull" too hard with the left hand and it overpowers the right so the face of the club sits open at impact.

The going back with the right elbow in my post eliminated the positional inconsistencies I was having and as long as I go straight back I am able to hit it time after time. The lack of rotation of the left hand just doesn't happen if you let your elbow do the moving. The club then sits in the exact position Jack K. describes as the point to do your arm curl.

I will be getting a "bonus" range session today and will try my woods again. I must say that I am a lot more confident about it now than I was last Tuesday when I got the package..........and its not even a week yet *g!*. I may not be hitting everything straight but I can immediately tell what I did wrong (which is not something that I was able to do with CG).

One other thought is that with the very short clubs I have to be soooo careful with the face position. I have had many good hits that have gone just left and I think it is simply poor setup. It is much easier to set-up the mid irons as they are so much "straighter faced". In any event, I'll let you know the results later...

Thanks (yet again).
Regards Joe

Ed, After yet another disastrous round of golf using a conventional appraoch (probably the worst one in about 2 years), I am again at the crossroads with my game. I absolutely NEED to find something that I can at least frequently RELY on in ANY round. I am not looking to be the next Tiger Woods. What I would like to do is be able to go out and enjoy a round. I would like the chance to bogey every hole (My short game is generally my strength). I would like to hit the ball straight (at least 75% of the time.) I couldn't care less about distance.

I still have bad shoulders... and the conventional swing is a killer on them. I don't know if LPG is that much better... but I know that it can not be much worse. I know that you refer a lot to using "the big muscles of the shoulders"... I don't have any left deltoid (I'm a lefty)... so that would not be an option.

I need an easier way to play... where I can be also rewarded for the amount of practice that I put in. Handswings involve so much timing and rhythm... that they fall apart easily... and I have seen very little progress in 3 years.

As you can tell... I'm very disappointed right now with my (lack of) game. Please give me your insight... What would you do if you were in my SORRY shoes right now? If you could provide some answers to my questions I would be very grateful.


My weekly foursome anecdote:

I play once a week with a bunch that I have played with for years. I had been playing LPG for about a year when the following happened:

One week, one of the foursome didn't show up, so an unsuspecting "single" was placed in our group. Well you know what goes on, everytime someone hits a good shot we say, "Good shot Al," or Dick or Ed. On about the 14th hole, someone hollers over, "Ed is this your ball?" The newcomer then says quite enthusiastically "Ed? His name is Ed? I thought his name was 'nice shot Ed'. That's what you say after every shot."
LPG is a little tricky, but it works.

Edward Laskody

Ed , I just finished posting some comments on your book. I hope that I've done your book justice. Thank you very much for the book and the opportunity to comment on it. I've also appreciated your emails commenting on my swing. I've found your comments on the NG forum to be helpful and will keep me viewing and participating throughout these snowy months in Ohio. If you don't mind, I'll email you from time to time.

Happy Holidays!
Terry Calkins

9 Mar 2001

In response to your message titled "The 'pump drill' revisited and revised!" At Joe Connolly has replied (with title "This seems to work well........"):

I have been looking for some kind of easy way to begin my downswing and this may well be it. When I get everything right I can hit a good shot with a crisp strike. However, I do find the inconsistency of getting "going" quite annoying. I found this move to generate a very consistent strike quality. Ed makes a very valid point about the position it puts you in.....classic pre-impact.

What is also interesting is that I tried it with LPG (which I think it is really good for) and my own version of IMA and found it worked very well with both. It also is more consistent on the longer clubs.

Well worth a try....

Don't forget to visit Jack Kuykendall's site There's plenty of free information, but a small membership fee is required for complete access to his site. By the way, if you do decide to join, please mention you heard about it here. Thanks, Ed.
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