Conventional Golf Myths
The following is a letter from Jack Kuykendall to Jeff Bryant, the
president of the USGTF United States Golf Teaching Federeation, where
Ed Laskody is a member (This essay also appears in the book entitled
At the request of Edward Laskody, I am writing
concerning scientific golf articles for your members . As you may know,
I am Golf Magazine's 100 Top Teachers. I have a degree in physics and
everything I do is based on scientific observations. I do not ask
anyone to accept anything I say or write. All that I ask is for you to
listen and then try to disprove any of my theories. If you are right, I
am wrong and will change. To date, no one has disproved any of them.
It is not easy being a scientist in the golf
industry. No one wants to be shown that what they fervently believe in
may be wrong. However, scientific observations can show the following
perceptions or myths to be incorrect. THE MYTHS OF GOLF Perceptions
that can be shown by scientific observation to be: F -False, U
-Uneccessary, H -Harmful, and M -Misleading
The model: The golf swing is a two lever system
(Search for the Perfect Swing) F
The grip: Big grips slice. Small grips hook. Big grips restrict wrist
action. All F
Palms are parallel with Vardon grip. F
The Vardon grip is the optimum grip. F
Ball positions: Play all shots off the left heel. F
Pre shot routines: Waggle the club; Press the hands forward; Press the
right knee forward. All U
Stroke Mechanics: Keep your head still. F
Turn. M
Keep the left arm straight. U
Make a big arc (widen your arc); traditional definition of a wide arc F
Make a big shoulder turn. U
Torque your back to your hips (The X factor. Triple Coil) H
possible back injury.
Wind like springs or rubber bands. U
Form triangles with the arms. F
Swing on a single plane. F
Downstroke: Starts from the ground up. F
Power is produced by the: feet; legs; hips; body; Big Muscles (Dog wags
tail). All F
Centrifugal force is the physics principle that creates power.
Absolutely F alse.
1st move down is to replant the left heel. F
The turning of the hips starts the downstroke. F
Hips control tempo. F
Pull the club down with the back of the left hand. M
Left side pulls the right side around; is the leader; is the master;
controls the swing. All F alse.
Keep your head down. F and M
Maintain a stable body center. F
Maintain the same spine angle throughout the swing. F and M
Gravity has an effect on the downswing. F
Return to the address position. F and M
Uncocking of the wrists is natural or automatic. F and M
Centrifugal force uncocks the wrists. F
Finish or follow through: Swing to a high finish. U
Finish in a reverse "C". U and H
I can provide you with any of the articles on any
of the myths or reality. Many of your teachers may be getting requests
for the single axis swing that I discovered and had patented
(Natural Golf) (First teacher to receive a patent on a swing method). It
can only help your teachers if they know all the methods that are
available. Jerry Heard plagiarized my swing and called it the Jerry
Heard Super Swing. The Jerry Heard Super Swing is a single axis system
and now you know where he got it.
Single axis has many advantages over traditional.
If you have the correct information you can decide on your own. You
don't have to listen to authority figures who make negative comments.
You can email me at or visit me at or at
(look into my scientifically designed clubs which are called Impact
Clubs, so far the public is receiving them very well). I am also
starting a golfing magazine through the internet. Watch this site or
see golfisking to get
further information about signing up for Jack's Scientific Magazine,
which is going to show you how to use science to optimize your game.
Jack Kuykendall, Worlds Leading Scientific Teacher.